Latest News

Allen, Paquet & Arseneau LLP Tax Letter (December 2023)

Every month, Allen, Paquet & Arsenea LLP adds a tax letter to their website to help with a variety of tax-related questions.

Immediate need for CVITP volunteers!

This free program is a collaboration between the Canada Revenue Agency, community organizations and their volunteers to help those in need file taxes and access credits and benefits, like the monthly Canada child benefit tax-free payment.

IFRS Knowledge Hub

Preparers' guide to the IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards

Updated: 2023 Canadian CPA Profession Compensation Study Results

Results for the 2023 Canadian CPA Profession Compensation study are now available!

Looking to hire a CPA? We can help!

We will post career opportunities which require a CPA designation and are located in New Brunswick at no cost for a period of 30 days.

Opportunities which are located outside of New Brunswick or are relevant but do not specifically require a CPA designation can still be posted for 30 days at a cost of $300.00 + HST.

To get started, please contact [email protected] with any pertinent details (copy of or a link to the details of the opportunity, company logo, contact details, etc.).

CPA Career Network 

CPAs enjoy highly rewarding careers that offer boundless opportunities and advancement in public accounting, the corporate world, and more!

Disciplinary Summaries and Public Notices 

Details of disciplinary actions (including suspended and revoked memberships) can be found here.